It’s been a big year for us at Twogether, and it’s not over yet.
Hot on the heels of winning B2B Marketing Agency of the Year in last year’s B2B Marketing awards, we’ve gone on to achieve a hat-trick (within a hat-trick!) of award shortlists, with three nominations each for 2018’s The Drum B2B Awards, The International B2B Marketing Awards, and the Wirehive 100 Awards.
Where do we begin?
Second only to the results we achieve, the biggest thing for us is the confirmation that our work stands out within such an astoundingly talented industry and among that of peers who we truly respect and admire.
It’s this talent that makes our industry one in which you simply cannot afford to stand still.
So, every new project we embark on for our clients is a blank page. A new opportunity. A rush of adrenaline. And, of course, anxiety.
But we wouldn’t be who we are without that passion and adrenaline. We wouldn’t attract the calibre of clients that are helping us to make such an impact in our industry.
We wouldn’t be able to build a campaign that just delivered ¢11 million in pipeline of qualified leads, achieving a stunning 98:1 ROI (for NIIT Technologies, nominated for Best ROI Campaign, The Drum B2B Awards 2018).
Or launch our new media and martech services – giving us a full-service offering in the B2B space.
Or develop a channel marketing initiative for Lenovo resulting in more than 3,900 new partners (Best Channel Marketing Initiative, The International B2B Awards 2018).
And we certainly wouldn’t have achieved our place as #4 digital agency in the South (Wirehive100 Awards 2018).
Here’s a full list of our nominations and shortlists for the year:
The Drum B2B Awards
- Best Out-of-Home Campaign – KPMG, Changing Futures
- Best ROI Campaign – NIIT Technologies, Love Disruption
- Agency of the Year – Twogether
The International B2B Marketing Awards
- Best Multichannel Campaign – KPMG, Changing Futures
- Most Commercially Successful Campaign – NIIT Technologies, Love Disruption
- Best Channel Marketing Initiative – Lenovo, ThinkPad Anniversary
Wirehive100 Awards
- B2B Site of the Year – Next15
- Rising Star – Emma Kettley, Copywriter
- Agency Leader – Kirsty Gilchrist, Managing Director
- Ranked #4 Digital Agency in the South
To talk to us about furthering your own marketing ambitions – whether you’re a client with a project that needs a fresh perspective, or a marketer looking to take the next step in your career – you can contact us here.
We look forward to working with you soon.