B2B organisations around the world are bringing technology to life.
They’re telling stories of innovation in new ways, reaching even bigger audiences to drive profitability. Behind the success – a team of B2B marketing experts. Breaking unthinkable barriers with hard work, dedication and a passion for technology.
That’s why Twogether are starting 2018 as B2B Marketing Agency of the Year – an accolade presented at the B2B Marketing Awards. And we’re delighted.
Here’s what the judges at the B2B Marketing Awards had to say about Twogether:
It’s easy to see why (relative) newbie Twogether has a 100% client retention record. A clear and focused value proposition, out-of-the box thinking and bags full of genuine passion.
We’re at the forefront of technology. And we plan to stay that way. Helping organisations stand out with stories that are exclusively crafted, with brand and audience in mind.
Speaking with B2B Marketing in their upcoming Benchmarking Report, our CMO Kirsty Gilchrist sums us up:
Our success at the B2B Marketing Awards demonstrated why our clients love to work with us. We’re focused purely on tech marketing, have a passion for beautiful creative and intelligent digital, all combined with a strong culture and great people.
So, to our clients, partners and staff – thank you for being a part of our journey and letting us be a part of yours – here’s wishing everyone a great year ahead.
Have you got a story to tell? Get in touch and we’ll tell you how to bring it to life.