55 min listen
137 | How real narratives go beyond the template and transform B2B marketing
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As its name suggests, Save the Rhino works diligently to help protect what is a magnificent but still severely endangered species – and Twogether is more than happy to help. The rhinoceros is, after all, intrinsic to both our logo and our philosophy.
Several campaigns and initiatives in, our ongoing partnership continues to raise awareness, encourage action, and keep the rhino's conservation front of mind with fresh, informative, emotive ideas.
Save the Rhino faces a range of challenges when it comes to monitoring the planet's remaining rhinos and preventing illegal poaching – all of which are of critical importance to the species’ survival.
Several criteria must therefore be considered and factored in when launching any related campaigns: the five different species of rhino and relative locations, the associated regulations and legislation in those regions, and more besides.
Namibia, for instance, home to a third of the world’s black rhino population, saw a 13% rise in recorded poaching in 2021, with 451 rhinos killed. For Save the Rhino, this wasn't acceptable. Nor several other challenges and injustices facing the species around the world.
Close monitoring of herds, supporting rangers, and keeping rhinos and rangers connected requires effort, funds, and technology - just some of the key areas Save the Rhino looks to tackle with our help.
Twogether's partnership with Save the Rhino has produced some highly impactful work over the years, to the benefit of not only the rhinos, but the rangers who work so hard to keep them safe.
Through our collaboration, the charity has achieved its aims of using technology to stay connected, raising essential funds, and providing peace of mind for rangers and their families.
Our efforts continue. So far however, we're delighted to have been able to provide:
We love working with the Twogether team. Not only do they offer great creative solutions and support our fundraising campaigns from concept through to delivery, but they are also passionate about saving rhinos.
Whether they've provided advice on paid social campaigns or fundraising emails, our Twogether partnership has significantly boosted our impact.
Emma Pereira
Communications Manager
at Save the Rhino
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