55 min listen
137 | How real narratives go beyond the template and transform B2B marketing
Ready to ignite your brand story? Jaymi Bauer, a consulting CMO at Pentaho and a Tedx presenter,...
When LGBTQ+ charity, It Gets Better UK, asked Twogether to help raise its profile and awareness, and facilitate meaningful connections about the services it provides, we were truly excited to support such a great cause.
'Coming out' can be tough but, by reassuring people that they’re not alone, It Gets Better UK tries to help – so we wanted to help it.
Having started out producing and hosting short, 'talking head' videos of people sharing their personal, inspiring stories, It Gets Better UK now offers a wide range of support and encouragement to an equally diverse youth community.
Its main challenge however, as a relatively new charity, has been letting the public know that it, and its services, are there to be accessed by anyone that needs them.
The aim is to share positive, reassuring messages to LGBTQ+ young people, many of whom commonly feel lonely, lost, and isolated; to show there's a whole community out there for them to connect with and belong to.
The charity needed help amplifying these messages however, and Twogether was delighted to get involved, specifically assisting in the promotion of its vibrant, inventive campaigns promoting its offerings and inspiring people to get involved.
This includes helping the It Gets Better UK team with their everyday needs – from social media posts, to video intros, to inventive new event activities.
It Gets Better UK has only been working with Twogether for a little over a year but, having managed to reach huge numbers of people who hadn't previously known where to turn, or the support available to them, its following has grown significantly in that short time.
One thing is certain as that growth continues: the charity has now positioned itself as a vital source of positivity and strength for the UK's LGBTQ+ community.
We are proud of that and all else we’ve achieved together so far.
55 min listen
Ready to ignite your brand story? Jaymi Bauer, a consulting CMO at Pentaho and a Tedx presenter,...
47 min listen
Happy New Year to all you lovely B2B Marketers. To kick-off an exciting new year, we have an extra...
52 min listen
What can 'soul' do for your brand? Today on The Tech Marketing Podcast, seasoned CMO Siew Ting Foo,...