Why are we linking our Marlow HQ with a new office in San Francisco?
To get Twogether with our clients’ global needs – as CMO Kirsty Gilchrist explains…
At Twogether, we’re big on building bridges.
We love closing the gap between opportunity and profitability for our clients. We’ve proven how effectively we can reach their end users and turn them into lifelong loyal advocates. And we specialise in connecting them with their channel partners – and delivering great results for both.
That’s why it’s a nice coincidence that our home for the past five years has been by the banks of the Thames, just a stone’s throw from the picturesque Marlow Bridge.
It’s also appropriate that the next stage in our journey sees us opening a new office in a city defined by another iconic bridge: San Francisco. We’re heading for “The City by the Bay” because rapid growth over our first five years means that we now service an enviable list of Tier 1 technology clients.
These organisations have an international reach and they need our marketing support around the clock, across the globe.
Where better to deliver that support than from the city synonymous with technological innovation and irrepressible diversity?
It’s our kind of place and – more importantly – we know it’s where our clients want us to be too.
We’re excited to be there for them. In collaboration with our colleagues in the Next 15 group and all the pooled resources they can bring to bear, we’ll be ready to welcome visitors into our vibrant new San Francisco offices from March 2017.
The first friendly Twogether face you’ll see bringing technology to life in the US will be Vice President, Lisa Ruddy. Lisa is a key member of the Twogether team and will be our ambassador to the US, able to answer every question expertly.
Lisa will be offering strategic and account management support from day one and overseeing an immediate expansion of our creative, artwork, digital and development teams in the new offices.
Meanwhile, back in the UK, Managing Director Alex Norbury will be happy to discuss the golden opportunities represented by the move to San Francisco.