55 min listen
136 | Building confidence: The power of communication & storytelling
Effective storytelling is at the heart of impactful B2B marketing. Jump into this week's episode of...
Remarkably, given its global brand, and renown as a true tech pioneer and leader, Samsung lacked a partner management system to engage partners consistently and at scale.
Seeking to change that, Twogether conceived, created, and launched the world-class B2B partner programme the company needed – Samsung One.
Samsung is one of the world's true tech powerhouses. A globally recognisable brand with an equally renowned portfolio of products, services, and solutions. It needs little in the way of introduction.
Out to hit a range of ambitious new B2B growth targets, what it did need however, was a first-rate scalable channel engagement mechanism.
Recognising how critical its partners would be in achieving its goals, Samsung saw that the development of its partner programme – to drive and optimise every aspect of partner engagement, experience, and performance – was equally critical.
Expanding its partner base significantly was vital too. And while the company was already delivering top-drawer 1-to-1 account management and support to its incumbent partners, Samsung knew that would need to evolve in step with its growing partner roster – into a best in class common channel training, enablement, and engagement framework.
Purpose-built from its name upwards, Samsung One was the solution.
Rolled out via an integrated, multi-channel campaign including social media, video mailer, eight-episode podcast series, and an online sign-up portal – and underpinned by the kernel of an innovative, bespoke mobile app giving partners easy, seamless access via any device – the programme had an immediate impact.
In its first six months, the program delivered:
Twogether were fundamental. This was a brand-new channel marketing initiative and we are seeing continued success results.
Twogether’s creativity whilst building (its) marketing materials was second to none. They are exceptional at bringing to life technology solutions within the business space in a modernised, relatable way.
Vicki Russell
Head of Channel Marketing B2B
Best channel marketing initiative
55 min listen
Effective storytelling is at the heart of impactful B2B marketing. Jump into this week's episode of...
54 min listen
AI is a tool, not the answer. It's transforming the way we work, but in B2B, the fundamentals...
46 min listen
The days of relying on MQLs are numbered. Beth Redpath Katz, Senior Director at BMC Software, joins...