Unlocking Growth in B2B Tech
A LinkedIn B2B Institute & Twogether event.
Great company. Great discussions. The latest event on "Unlocking Growth in B2B Tech" had it all for tech marketers.
Explore it here to be equipped with the content that'll ensure your growth.
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The question on everyone's lips. Particularly at our event in partnership with LinkedIn's B2B Institute.
The answers came from some incredible discussions with the leaders in B2B tech marketing, and you'll find them all in this content hub!
Enjoy reading and listening to our key resources, learning what it means to be a creative marketer and how to navigate uncertainty with long-term strategies to take your vision forward.

Creative effectiveness in B2B Marketing
Why aren’t more B2B ads effective? They lack investment in a compelling 'idea' and the emotional connection we seek from our audience.
The solution? Prioritize creative effectiveness.

Marketing investment during uncertain times
A guide to marketing during economic uncertainty, with takeaways from our experts on getting the best value from your media and creative.
Learn how to turn economic uncertainty to your advantage.

How to convince your CFO creative is crucial
If the majority of B2B ads generate no sales, you have the perfect opportunity to stand out. It’s time to invest in creative stand-out.
Ensure your CFO recognises creativity as a tool for growth.

Unlocking growth in B2B: Navigating all-weather marketing and creative success
Advice from Jennifer Shaw-Sweet EMEA Lead of the B2B Institute, LinkedIn Showcase Lead Katie Groon, and EMEA Demand Generation Director Cathrin Pfeiffer from NetSuite.
Listen in to learn how to argue for more marketing budget, even in these challenging times. And why there’s a strong financial case for creativity.