B2B Podcasts | Twogether

124 | Unearthing the gold mine of B2B data

Written by Jon Busby - CTO | Sep 11, 2024 4:00:00 AM

Transforming your marketing approach to customer insights and targeting.  

For the latest episode of The Tech Marketing Podcast we welcome Alex Lakin, Biddable Director at Encore, and fellow Twogetherer Michele Reale, Executive Media Director, to dive into the world of B2B customer data. Listen as they discuss the value of first-party data and its growing importance in light of recent changes in the digital marketing landscape. 

Listen to the episode below and take away insights on themes including:

  • The importance of first-party data in B2B marketing and why it's becoming more valuable.
  • Strategies for identifying and leveraging untapped data sources within your organisation.
  • The impact of Google's recent announcements on third-party cookies and what it means for marketers. 

If you're interested in hearing more about the gold mine that is first-part data, please join Jon, Alex, Michele and the incredible group of speakers, on 1st October. For more information and to sign up, please visit the event page here



We'd love to hear from our listeners whether this is something they've explored yet - get in touch and let us know!