B2B Podcasts | Twogether

123 | The tech titans' partnership that saved rhinos

Written by Jon Busby - CTO | Aug 28, 2024 8:03:59 AM

How a unique partnership saved rhinos and revolutionised perimeter security. 

This week on The Tech Marketing Podcast we invite David Evert, currently CRO at WeGo Golf and former channel chief and strategic alliances leader. David shares his inspiring story that brings together the technology, creativity and collaboration, that led to ground breaking conservation efforts.

Alongside David we welcome back Amanda Fitzgerald, Head of Global Distribution and Marketing, listen as they discuss themes such as:

  • The power of partnerships in driving innovation and solving complex problems.
  • How a conservation project led to new applications for IoT and perimeter security technology. 
  • Cross-industry partnerships and how they can impact global challenges.

Listen to the following episode and learn more about leveraging partnerships to drive innovation and create impactful solutions. 

Has this episode piqued your interest? Get in touch for the opportunity to take your ecosystem marketing to the next level!  



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