B2B Podcasts | Twogether

119 | Navigating the crossroads of creativity and customer insight in ABM

Written by Jon Busby - CTO | Jun 19, 2024 3:04:41 PM

Listen in for some award-winning ABM insights straight to your ears!

The wonderful Nickie McDade, Marketing Director of Account Based Marketing (ABM) at the London Stock Exchange Group joins the podcast this week, alongside host, Jon Busby, and special Twogether guest, Minaz Tejani. 

They explore how creativity and customer insights intersect to shape effective ABM strategies, and how Nickie's background in customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX) informs her approach to ABM. 

This episode zones in on:
  • Balancing personalization and privacy
  • The importance of memorable, human-centric experience
  • Converging brand presence and demand generation within ABM

Has this episode piqued your interest? Get in touch for the opportunity level up your ABM activities. Alternatively, see how we've done this for other programs by reading one of our case studies.



We'd love to hear from our listeners whether this is something they've explored yet - get in touch and let us know!