B2B Podcasts | Twogether

137 | How real narratives go beyond the template and transform B2B marketing

Written by Jon Busby - CTO | Mar 12, 2025 11:09:51 AM

Ready to ignite your brand story?

Jaymi Bauer, a consulting CMO at Pentaho and a Tedx presenter, joins Twogether's Minaz Tejani and Vicki Sleath on this week's episode of The Tech Marketing Podcast. 

Listen as Jaymi dives into the importance of finding and telling your company's true narrative-without the cookie-cutter approaches that crowd B2B marketing.

Revealing why establishing an authentic brand personality isn't just cosmetic but a core element of attracting top talent, growing your customer community, and building lasting trust in a competitive landscape. 

Listen now, wherever you get your podcasts. Or watch the full video below:








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