B2B Podcasts | Twogether

120 | Customer-centric marketing: Being distinctive in B2B Tech

Written by Jon Busby - CTO | Jul 3, 2024 9:36:39 AM

How can being meaningfully different establish a brand’s presence in a competitive industry?

This week, host Jon Busby is joined by Bea Whelan, who brings a wealth of experience from her role at Sage. Alongside her, Debbie Clark joins the discussion to delve into the intricacies of putting the customer at the heart of marketing strategies. They explore the challenges and triumphs that come with building a brand that truly resonates with its audience.

Highlighted in this episode are:

  • The importance of honest conversations in shifting a business's focus to customer-centric marketing.
  • The concept of 'content influenced revenue' and how Sage measures the impact of content on sales.
  • Strategies for maintaining emotional resonance in both small and large business marketing.

Intrigued by the insights shared in this episode? Read the full Sound Advice case study now. 



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