B2B Podcasts | Twogether

CFO and CCO unite: Driving growth through collaboration

Written by Jon Busby - CTO | Jul 31, 2024 8:39:19 AM

Ready to uncover the secrets behind organisational transformation?

Join us for an exciting episode with CCO, Jeff Lowe, and CFO, Roula Nasser, of Smart Technologies. They reveal how they shattered silos across their organisation by moving to a Unified Commerical Engine model.

In Season 1 of The Masters of B2B Marketing, we explored the introduction of the UCE with Jeff. Now, another year in, we hear updates on the effectiveness of the UCE, as well as crucial insights from a CFO's point of view.

Discover how they:

  • Tackled the challenges and reaped the benefits of the UCE model
  • Boosted employee engagement and aligned metrics like never before
  • Crafted and instilled a shared sense of purpose across their organisation

This episode is an absolute MUST listen. Last year we saw how pioneering SMART's approach was, and this year? Well... the proof is in the pudding.  

Watch the full episode below, or tune in on your favourite audio platform!


If you're looking to elevate your career by engaging with and working alongside the best in B2B marketing, look no further than ANA and Twogether to achieve it. Get in touch now!

We'd love to hear from our listeners whether this is something they've explored yet - get in touch and let us know!